Tips to Improve Your Website’s SEO

If you have already used the services of a London website design agency to improve your online digital offering, it makes sense to also invest in SEO to improve your search rankings. We take a look at some easy ways to achieve this.

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Optimize Your Copy

The most important aspect of SEO is to ensure your copy is relevant to the product or service and includes important keywords naturally – without keyword stuffing.

Keep on Top of Changes

Google regularly changes the way it ranks websites in its search results, and it publishes a guide for web developers to use and learn from. It is worth keeping up to date with the latest methods so that you can respond to them.

Remember Your Titles

Your page titles need to be accurate and clear and use keywords, as search engines will priorities them for ranking purposes. Always add titles to your pages and sub-titles to break up content. Keep them descriptive and brief.

Add Your Meta Tags

Make sure each web page in your website has a meta tag included in the CMS using keywords.

Ensure Your Website Is Well Designed

This is vital to SEO success. When you invest, you will also be ensuring that your website is structured in a way that supports SEO and navigation – two essential factors to SEO and rankings success.

Keep Your Content Fresh and Updated

This is vital. Search engines naturally rank those sites which are being kept fresh and up to date more favorably than sites which aren’t regularly touched.  Experts like will provide London SEO services so you don’t have to worry as they will help you in the right direction.
Invest in Quality Back-links

This relates to sites that you link out to and those that link to you. Reciprocal linking is valuable and shows that your website is trustworthy and recognized. Again, this will encourage search engines to rank you more highly.

Link to Social Media

If you use Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter in your business, make sure you link them to your website for ranking benefits.

Continue to Invest in Your Website

You’ll find that trends in SEO change over time. It may be worth investing in the services of a specialist online marketing agency to get it right.

What will your business be doing this year to improve the visibility of your digital assets?